How to Find Accredited Osteopathy Schools

How to Find Accredited Osteopathy Schools

In practice, osteopathic physicians are indistinguishable from other medical doctors. Osteopaths are able to practice traditional medical techniques of diagnosis and treatment. Similar training paths are required for both as well. Schools of osteopathy need to be accredited to be considered on a par with allopathic medical schools. The number of admitted students to osteopathy schools may be greater than at non-holistic medical programs. Students wanting a broader approach to medicine may find osteopathy to be an excellent career path. Follow these steps to find the accredited osteopathy school for you.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Understand the Similarities of Accredited Medical Programs


Research the similarities between osteopathy and allopathy. Although educational training programs are similar, an osteopathy program adds training in musculo-skeletal manipulation and focuses on a "whole person" approach during all stages of patient care, from consultation through diagnosis and treatment.


The primary aim of osteopathy is to promote wellness, rather than isolating and treating symptoms of a disease. Students who are drawn to primary care can find osteopathic medical schools that are directed to treatment as it relates to social perspectives.


Expect to complete your undergraduate degree before matriculating into a medical program. Both Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) programs typically take 4 years to complete. Either degree will lead you to become a fully licensed physician.

Apply to Accredited Schools


Complete your Bachelor's Degree and take the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) exam.


Fill out application paperwork through the centralized application service offered at the "American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service" Web site (see Resources below).


Review the application deadlines. Plan ahead to submit materials as early as possible.

Expect to Make Decisions About Accredited Medical Programs


Consider location as a factor in choosing a medical program. Some programs are directly linked to large hospitals where clinical rotations are conveniently scheduled.


Research financing options. Osteopathic programs can range in fees and tuition from moderate to expensive, depending on the school.


Talk with students at your top school choices and find out about the educational and social climate before applying.

Tips & Warnings

Find accredited schools that use a holistic approach to medicine. This will best offer unconventional methodologies and perspectives.

Osteopathic programs value service to the community and diverse experience as admission criteria.

Prepare to be a minority in the medical community if you choose osteopathic medicine. Osteopathic physicians often face criticism from other physicians who don't value the education or the careers of osteopaths.

Osteopathy is an unsuitable approach if a patient exhibits severe symptoms or may have a life-threatening illness or injury. Send such patients for emergency treatment.

How to Find A Licensed Hypnotherapist

How to Find A Licensed Hypnotherapist

In hypnotherapy, hypnosis is used to help patients achieve positive changes in their lives. Many believe ypnotherapy can be used to address a wide array of conditions, including phobias, stress, addiction, obesity and performance anxiety.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access to research hypnotherapists


Surf the net. Many sites offer directories of licensed hypnotherapists, where you may locate nearby practitioners. One such site is the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists Web site (see Resources below).


Visit a forum. Forums can be an excellent place to get a referral regarding a licensed hypnotherapist with experience treating the issue you'd like to address. They also offer an opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge of hypnotherapy, and keep abreast of new developments. One such forum may be found at Hypnosis Online (see Resources below).


Ask around. If a friend or family member has recently benefited from hypnosis, don't be shy about asking for contact information regarding their therapist. This form of referral is a stellar way to connect with outstanding therapists.


Expand your knowledge of hypnotherapy and hypnosis with a copy of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hypnosis, Second Edition" by Roberta Temes (see Resources below). Included is information that can give you a basic understanding of how hypnosis works, and how it can help you accomplish your goals and eliminate undesirable habits.


Support your hypnotherapy with a hypnotherapy CD. These CDs are useful in helping you maximize the results of your sessions. One such CD is "Overcoming Obstacles; A Self-Hypnosis Journey for Unlocking Creativity, Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem" by Melissa Rose (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Much like traditional psychotherapy, hypnotherapy sessions can be pricey. Most conditions can be addressed in as little as 3 sessions. However, additional sessions are said to bring more profound results.

Hypnotherapy CDs needed to support hypnotherapy are moderately priced and may be purchased in hypnotherapy offices or online.

Don't attempt to treat severe symptoms like debilitating shortness of breath with hypnotherapy. These symptoms could be the result of a life-threatening illness, and are best addressed by a doctor.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find A Huna Practitioner

How to Find A Huna Practitioner

Huna is a belief system that has its roots in ancient Hawaiian traditions. These techniques first caught the eye of those in the West in the 1930s, when they were taught and shared by a Hawaii-based teacher (originally from California) named Max Freedom Long. Huna followers believe that positive thought and visualization are sources of incredible power--power that, if properly harnessed, may be used to realize desires and accomplish goals.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access for researching huna practioners


Reach out for a referral. If a friend or family member has had success with huna, be sure to ask for contact information regarding their practitioner. This is the best way to get the help you need, and will give you access to a professional whose talent and ability have already been proven.


Find help at your local health food store. Many health food stores have bulletin boards that bear ads for those involved in alternative healing. This could be a great place to find huna practitioners in your area.


Get what you need online. Utilize an online directory to find local practitioners. One such directory may be found at the Huna Website (see Resources below).


Seek answers by signing up with a huna forum. These forums can help expose you to a host of practitioners. They're also a great way to keep abreast of new developments in the huna community. One such forum is HunaTrainer (see Resources below).


Be your own teacher. Much progress can be made by undertaking a path of self-study with regard to huna. Many of the techniques and rituals used are easy to learn and apply. Gather insight regarding huna by purchasing "Fundamentals of Hawaiian Mysticism" by Charlotte Berney (see Resources below). This book contains practical information that can help you incorporate huna into your daily life.

Tips & Warnings

Huna sessions tend to be expensive. However, reduced rates are offered for those signing up for multiple sessions. Additionally, some practitioners offer reduced rates for those who can prove financial hardship.

Books on huna are readily available online and are inexpensively priced.

If suffering from severe symptoms such as extreme chest pains, do not attempt to treat your condition with huna. You could be suffering from a life-threatening ailment, so seek the care of a physician.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Fast

How to Fast

The act of fasting has been around for centuries. Indeed, abstaining from food has long been used to enhance one's prayer life and overall health. While religious fasting is performed to purify the spirit, medical fasts are used to detoxify the body. Whatever your reason for abstinence, following a safe and simple plan will ensure you the benefits of this ancient practice.


Consult your doctor to see if fasting is advisable for you. Those with medical issues such as diabetes, liver or kidney problems and cancer would be wise to avoid it.


Decide the purpose of your fast. Some use fasting to reach spiritual enlightenment, while others see it as a way to lose those extra pounds.


Determine the type and length of your fast. Fasts may be performed periodically throughout the day or remain unbroken for weeks. They may include fruit juice and small amounts of food or refrain altogether from such nourishment.


Prepare your body in advance by eating a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables several days before your fast.


Perform your fast.


Break the fast gradually with juice and small amounts of fruit for the first 24 hours. Then, supplement the fruit diet with small meals of raw vegetables until the fast is complete.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid caffeinated drinks, gum and mints throughout your fast. They stimulate digestive action in your stomach and may cause abdominal discomfort.

Eliminate strenuous or stressful activity during your fast. A little exercise is fine; just try to avoid anything that may exhaust you.

Any fast lasting more than three days should be closely monitored by your doctor. Failure to consult your doctor could lead to serious medical consequences.

How to Fast to Treat a Skin Condition

How to Fast to Treat a Skin Condition

Because a good deal of human waste is secreted through the skin, the body's surface, which is also its largest organ, has a unique susceptibility to conditions that stem from bacteria and infection. Fasting is a good way to help cleanse yourself of toxins and bacteria, allowing you to consume foods that actually help destroy bacteria. Follow these steps to fast in order to treat a skin condition.


Consult with your physician. If you're on a course of antibiotics or have a preexisting condition, fasting might not be a healthy choice for you. Also, a fast is a relatively difficult process that can disrupt your daily routine, so it's not always the best thing to do if it can be avoided. Speak with your physician to find out if fasting is safe and beneficial to treating your skin condition.


Pick a fasting program. There are many ways to fast, and very few of them entail completely cutting yourself off from food. Do a little background research on different kinds of fasts so you can make the right decision. Specifically, look at fasts that forbid all foods but fruit and vegetables and juice-only fasts that help your body purge toxins.


Drink lots of healthy fluids. One of the keys to a successful fast is to continually drink as much water or, if the fast calls for it, juices as possible. Drinking a lot will help stimulate the skin cleansing function of the liver and kidneys. Also, drinking juices helps you to get the calories and nutrients that you need to
stay healthy


Maintain your health. A vitamin or nutritional supplement is a must during fasting. While treating a skin condition it's important to stay generally healthy. When you're not eating you need to substitute a supplement for the nutrients that are essential to proper immune system function. Also, pay attention to how you feel, making sure to eat something (even if it means breaking the fast) if you begin to feel light-headed or dizzy.

How to Turn Pants Into Shorts

How to Turn Pants Into Shorts

When the knees in your jeans start to go or the bottom of your pants become frayed, it might be time to turn those pants into shorts. Converting pants into shorts is a convenient way to diversify your warm-weather wardrobe without digging deep into your pockets.

Things You'll Need:

Chalk, marker or light-colored pencil

Safety pins

Sewing scissors


Sewing machine


Have the person you are making the shorts for put the pants on, so he can tell you where he wants them cut. Mark the line using a piece of chalk, safety pin, colored pencil or marker.


Decide if you want to add a hem and how thick you want the hem to be. While young people, especially girls, tend to prefer that the ends of their jean shorts remain frayed, you'll need to add length to the shorts to account for a hem if you want a clean, tailored look. A good rule of thumb is to add 1/2 inch of length for the hem.


Use sharp sewing scissors to cut away the legs of the pants at the point you've marked on the material. Discard the fabric you cut off as you turn the pants into shorts.


Finish the ends of the shorts as you prefer. If you want to add a cuff, fold the material up to form the cuff, and then use your sewing machine and matching thread to sew the hem in place. You can also achieve a clean look by folding the loose ends underneath the shorts (rather than over top, which will form a cuff) and sewing the alteration in place.


Dodge the need for a sewing machine by using hot glue instead of thread to hold folded-under fabric edges in place. Simply make your folds, apply hot glue to the hidden edge of the fabric, put it in place and leave it to dry. Once the glue sets, you'll be able to machine-wash the shorts without worrying about affecting the glue.

Tips & Warnings

You can save some time by leaving the ends of your new shorts rough when you turn old pants into summer wear. This is particularly popular in women's fashion, where jean shorts often have frayed ends with loose threads hanging down to create a unique and casual look.

If you're looking to add a 1-inch cuff around the bottom of the shorts, leave 1 1/2 inches of extra material.

Be careful when you use sewing scissors. They're much sharper than normal scissors, and you can cut yourself badly if you're not careful.

How to Turn a T-Shirt Into a Tank Top

How to Turn a T-Shirt Into a Tank Top

Making a tank top out of a T-shirt is an easy and fun project. Let your
help you, and within an hour you have a new look to add to your wardrobe.

Things You'll Need:

Old T-shirt


Needle and thread

2 buttons


Cut 2 inches off the bottom of the T-shirt. Cut around the shirt just below the arm holes. What you are left with should look like a tube top.


Hem 1/2 inch around the top and the bottom of the T-shirt. If the tank top is too long, cut more fabric from the bottom of the shirt.


Cut the 2-inch piece of T-shirt in half, lengthwise. Fold the edges over and hem. These are the straps of the tank top.


Sew a button on one end of each piece. Slide the shirt on and mark where the straps should go. Remove the shirt.


Make button holes on the front of the shirt at the marks.


Attach the back straps to the back of the shirt in the same place as the button holes in the front.


Put the tank top on and pull the straps over the shoulders. Button the buttons.

Tips & Warnings

Make this shirt without sewing. Cut it as before and poke holes in the top of the shirt for the straps. Feed the straps through and tie them.

These tank tops do not have to be made from T-shirt material. Other shirts work as well.