How to Fast to Treat a Skin Condition

How to Fast to Treat a Skin Condition

Because a good deal of human waste is secreted through the skin, the body's surface, which is also its largest organ, has a unique susceptibility to conditions that stem from bacteria and infection. Fasting is a good way to help cleanse yourself of toxins and bacteria, allowing you to consume foods that actually help destroy bacteria. Follow these steps to fast in order to treat a skin condition.


Consult with your physician. If you're on a course of antibiotics or have a preexisting condition, fasting might not be a healthy choice for you. Also, a fast is a relatively difficult process that can disrupt your daily routine, so it's not always the best thing to do if it can be avoided. Speak with your physician to find out if fasting is safe and beneficial to treating your skin condition.


Pick a fasting program. There are many ways to fast, and very few of them entail completely cutting yourself off from food. Do a little background research on different kinds of fasts so you can make the right decision. Specifically, look at fasts that forbid all foods but fruit and vegetables and juice-only fasts that help your body purge toxins.


Drink lots of healthy fluids. One of the keys to a successful fast is to continually drink as much water or, if the fast calls for it, juices as possible. Drinking a lot will help stimulate the skin cleansing function of the liver and kidneys. Also, drinking juices helps you to get the calories and nutrients that you need to
stay healthy


Maintain your health. A vitamin or nutritional supplement is a must during fasting. While treating a skin condition it's important to stay generally healthy. When you're not eating you need to substitute a supplement for the nutrients that are essential to proper immune system function. Also, pay attention to how you feel, making sure to eat something (even if it means breaking the fast) if you begin to feel light-headed or dizzy.