How to Try on Clothing Easily

How to Try on Clothing Easily

Whether you do it once a week, or once a year, shopping for new clothes is exciting, but it can also be stressful, especially if you need something new for a special occasion coming up soon. Stack the odds in your favor by following these steps to try on clothing easily--your best bet for making the most of your time, patience and eye for style.


Go clothes shopping on weekdays when you’re less likely to run into big crowds. It’s hard enough finding the perfect outfit--you don’t need the added aggravation of fighting for a spot at the clothing racks.


Wear loose, comfortable clothes on your shopping trip that are easy on and easy off. That means no tight jeans,

with built-in bras or shoes with laces. You may also want to wear neutral colored undergarments so they don’t show through any light colored items you might try on.


Avoid heavy foundation or powder make up, as it rubs off easily on shirts and dresses that you need to pull on and off over your head. Deodorant does the same, so wear one that rolls on clear.


Avoid styling your hair. You’ll just get aggravated trying to keep it in place pulling clothes on and off over your head. Instead, pull your hair back into a braid or ponytail. Or if it’s a short do, just wash and let it go.


Take a friend you trust along with you--someone who respects your style, but who also will be honest and tell you when a color, print or size doesn’t like you.


Browse through all of the clothing racks before heading into the dressing room. If you end up with too many items to carry, ask the store clerk to hold them for you. Accumulating all of your possibilities before heading into the dressing room will you give you the most options for putting outfits together. The last thing you want to do is try on a bunch of clothes then discover on another sweep through the store that they have a shirt that just might be perfect for the pants you already tried on.


Grab a couple of sizes so that you don’t have to go back out into the store if one doesn’t work out in the dressing room. Plus, you may not even remember where you found it.


Fold after you try on a piece of clothing if you want it, but hang it back on the hanger if you don’t. It’s no fun trying to make sense of a big pile of discards and their tangled hangers when you’re done trying on and just want to get out of the dressing room with your new clothes.


Take a break and grab something to drink or a bite to eat. Trying on clothes should be fun, not a tiring chore. Plus, the better you feel going into a dressing room, the better you’ll feel in the clothes.

Tips & Warnings

If you’re having trouble finding what you’re looking for, ask the store clerk for help. If they don’t have what you want, ask where you might be able to find it.

Dressing room mirrors are unforgiving, so remember why you’re there--to look at yourself in brand new clothes, not to curse your imperfections in between changes.